

Traineeship in a Region that is a member of the Assembly of European Regions (AER). 31-03-2022 Direção Regional de Juventude

What is it?
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) implements the Eurodyssey programme. It is an exchange programme between European Regions, which allows a traineeship abroad and a knowledge of a foreign language and culture.



Programme Operations

In the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the Regional Directorate of Youth is the entity that will provide technical and administrative assistance to the young trainees (receives and sends).


Young People residing in Madeira and Porto Santo

The programme is for young people, aged between 18 and 30 years, residing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, with certified professional training, minimum level IV, as established in the European Qualifications Framework.


Where and how to apply? 
Application to the programme takes place throughout the year, exclusively online .  However, its monitoring and validation is mandatory by the technicians of the Regional Directorate of Youth.


Traineeships last from 4 to 7 months.


Trainees are entitled to:

  • Round trip to the host region;
  • Language and culture training;
  • Allowance established by the host region;
  • Social security system and an insurance policy repatriation and civil liability;
  • Accommodation;
  • Work and language certificate.


Host Organizations
What entities can welcome young people?
The programme is open for non-profit public and private entities and businesses.


How to Apply?
Organizations that which to welcome young Europeans must register on the programme platform and fill out the online form.
The publication of traineeship offers, in the same platform, depends on the date set for receiving trainees from other European regions, to be communicated annually by the Regional Directorate of Youth.


The role of the welcoming entity:
Endeavour to integrate the trainee into the company`s socio-economic and cultural aspects.
Follow up and evaluate him through a specific supervisor.


More information:
T.: 291 203 830 | email:
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