
Presentation of the conclusions of the work carried out for the OECD on Essential Learnings.

Professor Helena Peralta will be at the premises of the Regional Inspectorate of Education (IRE) on Friday 14th, at 09:30 a.m., to present the conclusions of the work carried out for the OECD on Essential Learnings. 03-06-2019 Regional Inspectorate of Education 13-06-2019 Inspeção Regional Educação
Presentation of the conclusions of the work carried out for the OECD on Essential Learnings.

Integrated in the dialogues on education in the context of activities foreseen in its activities plan, namely in the program knowledge management and training - skills development, this session aims to promote the quality improvement of the IRE professionals performance, embodied in what is the vision of this service, namely to ensure the quality of the education of children and the teaching of students, in a perspective of education for all, human rights and inclusion and anchored in its values: respect for people, the improvement of the organization, the centrality of the school as an educational organization and the public interest.



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