
Training "Peer supervision, observation of classes and teaching professionality" with Professor Maria Alfredo of the Institute of Education of the University of Minho.

It took place on 24th January 2020, in the auditorium of the Center for Studies of History of the Atlantic (CEHA), inserted in the training cycle called "Dialogues on Education" which had as recipients, in addition to education inspectors, also the directors of educational establishments, principals of the 1st cycle of primary education, school delegates and elements of the school boards of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of education and secondary education. 02-03-2020 Inspeção Regional Educação
Training "Peer supervision, observation of classes and teaching professionality" with Professor Maria Alfredo of the Institute of Education of the University of Minho.

Maria Alfredo Moreira is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Minho, currently Vice-President for Interaction with Society, coordinator of the specialty of Foreign Language Education of the Doctorate in Educational Sciences and Director of the Master's degree in Teaching of English and Spanish for the 3rd cycle and the secondary education. She has been Coordinator of the pedagogical internships at the University of Minho, Deputy Director of the Department of Education Methodologies, Chairwoman of the Portuguese-English Internship Committee and Director of the Portuguese Journal of Education.

She teaches and investigates in the areas of supervision (pedagogical and training), education in foreign languages and pedagogy for autonomy. In the training of teachers, her work has focused mainly on the articulation between a reflexive orientation and promotion of social justice, using action research and professional narratives, with a pedagogy centered on the autonomy of students. In the fields of training and supervision, she is the author of The action research in the reflexive training of the trainee teacher of English (Institute of Educational Innovation, 2001), Action Research in supervision in English teaching: Processes of (co-)construction of professional knowledge (CIEd, 2005) and  co-author of In the kaleidoscope of supervision: images of training and pedagogy (Pedago, 2006, 2nd ed. 2010). She organized the work Dialogued narratives in the research, training and supervision of teachers (Pedago, 2011) and  co-organized  the works Pedagogical supervision and language education (Pedago, 2010), "Sons of a minor God": Linguistic diversity and social justice in teacher training (Pedago, 2014), and Formation and  socio-educational mediation: Theoretical and practice perspectives  (Areal, 2009).



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